Read This if You Don’t Understand Flat-Earthers.

Hey, lemme bring some validation, here…

I ain’t never met a flat-earther who’s been up to the International Space Station to see that the Earth is indeed ellipsoidal in shape.

They are afraid of information that challenges their beliefs that they are deeply identified with.

I know from experience that someone is only deeply identified with a belief because it is helping them in some way. And it may not make sense to us, but it’s still valid because it obviously makes perfect sense to them. 😃❤️ What else could put them in such staunch opposition to something that’s been in history books for (at least) centuries? That’s no small feat, I don’t think.

I’ll give ya’ an example:

Maybe their family doesn’t trust astronomers, and their #1 family priority is loyalty. As in, “If you agree with anything we disagree with, we will disown you as a family member!” Much Tougher decision, once you think about it that way.

And it’s not as simple as you might think to just “accept” being disowned. Why?

Because people don’t want to be alone. 🫥 It’s really that simple.

I could go into why people stay in bad situations specifically with family and just in general, but I can fry that fish some other time (let me know in a comment if you wanna see me do that! 😃❤️😉🧐).

Where was I? Oh yeah…

We as People fear isolation more than we fear just about anything. Even Death. If you whittle down any concern to its primary constituent fears and other components, you’ll find at its center, a Fear of being Alone. Isolation. “And what about Death?” Isolation is so painful, it’s basically the same thing to most people as death because even though you aren’t physically killed by it, it makes people wish they were dead instead. Which is honestly worse, in my opinion.

So the thought process for many Flat-Earthers is literally as simple and as dire as “It’s two things: I better believe this truth my family holds, or I’m gonna die!”

That’s where people in that situation are. Emotionally, at least.

And I don’t think it wise to dismiss the emotional aspect of an experience out of hand.

Breathe. 😤😮‍💨😄❤️

Now, In case you’re wondering/looking for a way to invalidate me too (btw, good luck if that’s your intent 😂😜😉❤️🫵🏾👍🏾), I do believe that the earth is round.

My reasoning: Photoshop-like things hardly existed by the time we were able to photograph the planet from many millions of feet away from her surface. Hard to turn a Flat Earth disk into a Gibbous Earth as is seen in those Apollo 11 pictures taken from Luna’s surface in 1969. It’s simple to me.

But ya’ wanna know what else is simple to me? People different from me deciding to disagree with me.

I take everything personally, 😂 I just take that particular thing less personally now at 26.


Because everyone is valid. ❤️😃🤯😂

As long as they’re not breaking into my house and threatening my physical life with their fist or some other weapon, they can literally believe whatever they want to believe. If your situation moreso mirrors the former part of this paragraph, then that’s assault, and essentially attempted murder. And it’s also a good time to call the police. 😄😁❤️👍🏾😂

I got stuff to say about the Criminal Justice System as well, but again, this particular post is about validating the Flat-Earthers! 😂 But let me know if you wanna hear my thoughts on that one, too. I have thoughts to spare. 😂😜❤️👍🏾

Also, you may be wondering if I have something for the Flat-Earthers to read. The answer is no, not specifically. Most people who believe this wouldn’t be interested in reading an article this long (like you are right now. I appreciate your appreciation for what I have to say. 😃😄❤️🫵🏾👍🏾🫂)

But that being said, I dare some of y’all (if you feel called to it) to show this article to some of your Flat-Earther people! I don’t care about being objectively right, in fact, I want to be proven wrong! You know what that means to me? It means that Some Flat Earther out there gets validated by reading this, and that’s my whole greater goal of holding my phone for the better portion of 3 hours trying to get this slew of thoughts out to y’all!

So yeah, if you want to, share this with people. Surprise me, Love! 😄❤️✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾


If you’re still upset with this situation…

  1. I understand. I get you. I’ve been there. 😂🤪😑😂❤️🫂
  2. I have some questions for you, dear friend:

Is it helping you to stay angry? And if so, to what extent?

What’s your goal, here? What are you thinking it will help you accomplish?

Psst… *whisper voice* I can’t answer this question for you. Only you can. 😃😉🤓❤️🫵🏾 Also, I’m autistic. I don’t ask rhetorical questions, meaning if I ask any question, I expect an answer, and one from the person in question. That means you, Love. 😃😉❤️🫵🏾👍🏾

I realize I’m talking with you through an interweb screen, btw, but I have trouble connecting with people, and so if I could lend you a listening ear in exchange for letting me connect with you via your thoughts, I would really appreciate that exchange, and I hope you do, too. I try to make my website a safe space for free thought. And bullies get what they need, even if it’s not what they verbally asked for. Just trust me on that one. 😂❤️😉👍🏾

And for a second, I’m gonna stop appealing to the scientist in you. And switch gears to the person who owns that scientific brain. 👁️

If you think that I “should” be more worried about the implications of Flat Earthers continuing to believe in what they do, I can tell you why I’m not.

Do you wanna hear? (It’s okay if you don’t. Just stop reading. 😂)

I personally know that the Earth is an ellipsoid. That is a truth that I have chosen to claim as my own subjective truth, and I believe that my subjective truth is reflective of the physical reality of the (ready for this pun? 🤭) matter. 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

And you might be wondering… why so many laugh emojis?

The answer is that you have to laugh about this stuff. Because if you don’t, then it just gets and stays really depressing.

I laugh at my problems every step of the way of solving them, and even thereafter! 😂 It helps me.

Where was I? Here we go…

There are certain truths of physical reality that are inescapably accurate. They are as impartial as gravity, they are things that people can observe if they put themselves in a front seat to do so. The fact that I can’t see the Burj Khalifa on the horizon when I look east north east from the United States is proof enough on a good day that my chosen truth is accurate.

And if a certain subjective truth is accurate with the Physical Reality, I can’t help but believe that eventually, all other subjective truths will fall out of… favor is one word, just not my favorite (pun intended! 😂)

I think those jokers who said it were right: Eventually, “The Truth will be revealed.”

I don’t have any staunchly scientific explanation for why I believe that, it’s just that I have always seen it work out that way in my life, and when it all comes down to it, what else do you have to go on other than what you’ve seen? (If you have an answer to this, I want to know! 😃❤️)

Until then, it doesn’t have to be me vs. them.

If you desire to see it this way, It can be as simple as “whatever I am experiencing right now, whatever meaning I’m giving to it… is this meaning helping me?”

If it is, keep it. 🤗😄❤️👍🏾

If it doesn’t, now would be a really good time to drop it and find something else that does help you.


I don’t think we are kind enough to ourselves.

It helps me to think that that can change for the better.

Hug yourself after you’re done reading this article. 🫂❤️

It helps me to believe that you actually will hug yourself.

And be yourself. That’s exactly what I did all over this blog post! 😂😂😂

Evan Out! 😄❤️👋🏾

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