- Try not to overthink breathing. Much Easier said than done, but major 🔑
- A hard sell ain’t gon’ sell well. Try to figure out what makes it a hard sell and try to change something about it with that awareness. It’ll be at least an easier sell after that, if not an outright easy sell.
- The more I think about it, music really is legitimately a drug. All those sounds and textures are like different ingredients in a magical elixir.
- You know what writing a book takes a lot of that no one tells you? Reading. Yeah, reading.
- Am I the only one looking for substance? Please don’t tell me I am! 😬
- To an infinite being, Time is an invention created by other beings who have lost sight of their own infinite nature.
- As it expands, the universe remains a sphere. Don’t make it a box.
- With fractured pieces, you can still make a mosaic. (oooh, I like that one!)
- What are psych meds, but another mind-altering substance?
- Mind-altering substances, prescribed or not, are okay. It all depends on how they alter your mind and what reasons you choose to take them. Take them to open things up, not shut them.
- An ever-evolving enlightened person is like an ocean liner speeding through the water. The faster she is moving, the faster she can steer herself out of danger. Speed likens to vibration in this case; You learn.
- People are always blaming excuses for why other people don’t do things. I don’t believe in excuses. If there’s something in the way of you doing something you really want, that means its presence is important, and you should look into why it is there.
- Laziness is a generalizing construct. If it’s something you really want to do, look inward, figure out what holds you, and explore it. You’ll be doing what you want unabated in no time!